Local Bands Midnight Fusic, Senja, Advents & Lxcid Join Women’s Aid Organisation In Sex-Ed Charity Event

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When atrocities against women prevail even through a global pandemic, that’s a blatant sign that we should talk about them.

Malaysia’s conservative nature has hindered many needed conversations and debates regarding sexual education and gender-based violence. With the ongoing rise of baby dumping, domestic abuse disputes, sexual harassment and unsolved rape cases, the significance of addressing violence against women is more pressing now than ever.

Despite how seemingly black and white the importance of sex education may be, the topic is still considered taboo and is subject to polarising opinions on the internet. Calls for sex education have been highlighted many times, yet tangible action has yet to be taken by the government.

source: JUICEonline / Melodiya Recordings

As a way to expedite the process and take matters into their own hands, Women’s Aid Organisation is collaborating with several fan-favourite artists to bring forth a charity event in the name of fighting against gender-based violence.

SexEd! is an online charity project aimed towards educating society on the importance of consensual sex as well as discussing other topics that fall under the same scope. According to organiser Melodiya Recordings,

“It is a cause that we believe must take place as we can no longer overlook the everyday terror and injustice that women face.”

source: Melodiya Recordings

The premiere will include Midnight Fusic, Senja, Advents and Lxcid as well as feature a poetry segment by Amelia Natasha.

All donations collected from the project will go into providing free shelter, counselling and crisis support to women and children who experience violence. With a donation of RM50 and above, a tax-exempt receipt will be given out, provided that you email proof of transaction to [email protected].

The YouTube Premiere will be held on Friday, September 18 at 9pm.

It’s time we take a good look at the way we treat our women.

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