Teen Girl Gets Beaten Up & Groped By Male Bully; Mom Sues School for RM2mil

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According to The Star, a mother of a 16-year-old has filed a legal suit at the Temerloh High Court against a government school and others over a bullying incident in Pahang that happened last year.

Yesterday at a press conference, Zaiton Yusoff said that her daughter, the youngest of four children, used to be a vibrant and bright student. This all changed when her child was bullied and assaulted by a male classmate in Form Three last July.

Now, she has been reduced to being a depressed and traumatised teenager.

“She has to see a psychiatrist and psychologist at a government hospital every month and has been prescribed medications to help counter her emotional issues,” Zaiton said.

The student’s family is seeking more than RM2mil in a bid to seek justice for the girl and highlight the harm caused by the menace. Zaiton is demanding RM1.5mil in general damages, RM300,000 in exemplary damages, RM300,000 in aggravated damages, legal costs and other costs deemed fit and necessary by the court.

For illustration purposes only (source: Straits Times)

The case states, on 11 July 2019, the first defendant had teased and disturbed the girl on the school’s premises and later when they were in the classroom, he threw a “paper ball” and a pen at her during history class.

It got periodically worst as the first defendant started to allegedly slap her and squeeze her face while his hands were covered in ink. According to the case, he had also pulled off her hijab and punched her at the chest, stomach, legs, before groping her breasts.

In Zaiton’s statement of claim, the plaintiff is accusing the second and third defendants of failing to ensure a duty of care towards her safety while in the school premises. She stated that the second and third defendants had failed to inform her of the incident as soon as it happened as well as failed to initiate the necessary action against the first defendant.

According to the statement, the teenager suffered injuries to her anterior chest wall, left thigh, eye, arm and neck as well as trauma. The girl had to also be admitted to a psychiatric ward for observation.

Zaiton, who got emotional at one point, said they did not file the suit for money but to seek justice for her daughter, who has become very aggressive and self-destructive and refuses to go to school.

(source: The Star)

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