This Roti Canai Face Mask Can Keep You From Getting COVID-19 & Getting Hungry

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source: Free Malaysia Today

There have been many attempts by people from all over the world to spread awareness on the dangers of COVID-19 and to encourage each other to wear masks. From adopting coronavirus-like braids in Kenya to innovating smart-face masks that can translate and amplify your conversations in Japan, the world is progressing quickly to cater to the new normal.

So, it’s no surprise when India personalised their fight against the virus by making roti canai face masks.

source: Free Malaysia Today

Temple City, a restaurant in Madurai, Chennai, started selling roti canai in the shape of a face mask in order to raise awareness towards the importance of wearing masks. Due to a spike in COVID-19 cases in the area, this restaurant has taken it upon themselves to educate the public through something everyone can accept… food.

KL Kumar, the owner of Temple City, became concerned when he saw citizens of Madurai ignore the mandatory requirement to wear masks in their city. Despite there being fines of Rs 200 (RM11.35) for those who don’t wear masks, the community was still reluctant to adhere to the rules. He then decided he couldn’t sit back and watch the number of cases continue to proliferate without doing something on his end to stop it.

With that, he started selling the roti canai face masks which costs roughly the same as a normal-shaped roti canai Rs 50 (RM2.84). The goal was obviously to get people talking about the abnormal roti canai and taking pictures of it to share with friends and family. That way, the message is being spread. Seems like it’s working…

Kumar also offers free masks to his patrons who don’t already have one on hand. Due to the overwhelming demand for more roti canai face masks, Temple City has begun operating at breakfast time as well as opposed to before, when they would only open in the evenings. When asked about the change in business hours, Kumar said,

“As long as the person who is ordering it is wearing a mask, there’s no problem.”

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