New Malaysian Streaming Platform, Nurflix Is Here For Your Halal Viewing Pleasure

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( Source : Nurflix on Facebook)

Streaming websites such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, Viu and YouTube Premium have become the norm for any urbanite with an internet connection. However, a new Malaysian-made contender known as Nurflix has entered the streaming service match, and it offers content that’s fully-aqeedah and Shariah-compliant.

Nurflix was set up by Brader Shah, who is one of the members of the famous Nasyid group, Kumpulan Brothers. According to The Rakyat Post, although the music group is no longer active, Brader Shah did express that he had always wanted an alternative platform that focused more on religion.

Besides offering Islamic content, Nurflix also wants their productions to follow the process of aqeedah and be Shariah-compliant with a special committee supervising their development, as reported by The Vocket.

( Source : Nurflix on Instagram)

The supervising committee, known as NURPATH, will be overseen by famous Malaysian preacher Habib Ali Zaenal Abidin al Hamid as the principal advisor and lead by Ustaz Raja Ahmad Muhklis.

( Source : Nurflix on Instagram )

Just like Netflix with its categories and genres, Nurflix will also offer its own form of categories such as Women, General, Preachers, Religious and Children. Interestingly enough, the creators have also stressed that since this is an Islamic platform, if users lie about their gender (for instance, if they used a woman’s account even if they were not female) their actions would be between them and God.

As of right now, Nurflix is still in production and there isn’t a confirmed date on when the streaming service will be launched.

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