M’sian Frontliners Can Now Get Married For Free By Hiring This Wedding Planner

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source: Nikahsatu / Facebook

There’s no doubt that Malaysians are extremely grateful for the sacrifices made by our frontliners during the pandemic. Not only has there been murals, songs and children’s drawings created in their honour, but there was even a group of five Malaysian fashion designers who got together to sew Medic-gowns for hospitals that were running short on personal protective equipment (PPE).

It seems the display of appreciation has not come to an end since a Malaysian wedding planner company is now offering free wedding services to frontliners!

source: Nikahsatu

The company, Nikahsatu, stated that their reason for doing this is because the pandemic had halted or postponed many frontliners’ weddings and most of them had to risk their lives to protect our loved ones. The least they could do was to offer free services for these brave frontliners to rejoice and celebrate on their big day.

The complimentary services are part of the campaign #RaikanCintaWiraKita where Nikahsatu will be offering a full-wedding to all uniformed Malaysian frontliners which includes 100 pieces of sponsored physical wedding cards amongst other trinkets.

source: Nikahsatu / Instagram

Like any other wedding planner service, customers will be able to select a one of kind design and theme for their joyous matrimony. The package also includes chosen date, guest list, bridal gown, photography services, venue and event accessories.

Another exciting way Nikahsatu is giving back to frontliners is through their funding campaign where visitors to their website can fund the wedding preparation and expenses for pre-selected frontliner couples from all across Malaysia.

Emphasising the vigour of the hashtag #KitaJagaKita, CEO of Nikahsatu, Naimran Yunus, stated that this new campaign will prove our deep appreciation towards the heroes who have been protecting our nation.

source: Nikahsatu / Facebook

The fight against Covid-19 is far from over and free wedding deals might not make up for the amount of lost time frontliners have spent at hospitals keeping us safe, but the kind gesture would surely make them feel better.

As a nation, we must cooperate, adhere to SOPs and continue to practice physical distancing and wearing face masks in order to repay their kindness. #KitaJagaKita

For more info, visit Nikahsatu’s website.

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