Berklee College Hosts Virtual Concert To Revive M’sian Classics From Jaclyn Victor, Dato Sudirman & More

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source: Berklee Budaya

You can take the Malaysian out of their country, but you can’t take away their patriotism.

This is evident in the Berklee Budaya concert series hosted by Malaysians studying at the prestigious Berklee College of Music in Boston, USA.

Last year, the Budaya concert featured songs that are near and dear to every Malaysian’s heart such as ‘Cindai’ by Dato’ Siti Nurhaliza, ‘Hijau’ by Dato’ Zainalabidin and for modern flavour, ‘Crush’ by Yuna.

Reaping in unanimous support and praise by the college, the minds behind Budaya have decided to renew the series and feature more Malaysian classics. Not only are they reigniting love for music from the past that we might have forgotten, but they are also introducing our culture abroad to those who may not find it the most accessible.

The theme of Budaya 2.0 is “Selamanya Kita Bersama” which is a message to strengthen our unity during tough times. Similar to the previous concert, all songs will be performed by the Berklee Budaya team.

This time, they will be performing ‘Empat Dara’ by Noraniza Idris, ‘Gemilang’ by Jaclyn Victor, and ‘Hujan’ by Allahyarham Dato’ Sudirman.

Participating in the performances are talents from Indonesia, Singapore, Cuba and other nations. As a special guest, singer Aisha Retno will also be presenting her single ‘Mengikat Jiwa’.

For those of you who want to feel a swell of pride for our brilliant minds abroad, check out their cover of our anthem Jalur Gemilang:

The concert will be held for three weeks starting from 20 March to 3 April. They will be releasing new videos each Saturday with several different arrangements of our favourite Malaysian classics.

Each week, through the power of music, various themes such as soul, romance and most importantly, culture will be highlighted in order to enrich the Budaya 2.0 experience.

By supporting them, we’re collectively opening the gates for other countries to acknowledge and appreciate the beauty of our music.

If you don’t want to miss it, subscribe to their YouTube channel or follow their Instagram page.

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