
You’ll Never Guess Which Smartphone Is Collaborating With KLFW ’17

Hint: your selfie game is about to change forever.


Catch All Is Amazing’s Curation of Urban Nightlife Photography at Minut Init

Sat, 15th Jul '17 - Sat, 22nd Jul '17

Minut Init art social


Out, Proud, And Singing About It: Meet Dyan Tai

Bringing discoballs and keytars back into fashion.

Game Face

H&M Beauty to Debut in Malaysia this Year!

The packaging is too pretty for us not to purchase.


All the Places That’ll Remind You of a Wes Anderson Film

All the quaint wonders of the world.


10 Reasons Why Joe is the Best Jonas Brother

Not like you needed anymore convincing.

Last Word

The Handmaid’s Tale: A Cautionary Story For Our Generation

Here lies a future that we’d all rather not see.


This Photo-Series Depicts the Casual Racism Faced By Malaysian Students In the UK

S*** Malaysian students go through when studying abroad…


Daniel Adams Explains Why His English Is So Good

See, even Daniel Adams was obsessed with Picnik.