Catch All Is Amazing’s Curation of Urban Nightlife Photography at Minut Init

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Featuring the best shots from the team at All is Amazing, the RGB photo exhibition doesn’t just showcase photographs of urban nightlife and concerts the collective is known for, but also other genres of photography they’ve experimented upon over the past year. From documentary and film to disposable camera and fashion, the event is a tribute to the team’s diverse and multicultural collective of 15 up-and-coming photographers, who’ve worked on their respective photographs as joint projects and workshops under the mentorship of All is Amazing.

With such a big congregation of creative talents under one roof, this is one exhibition guaranteed to offer an interesting insight into the world of urban nightlife photography and beyond. There also multiple talks offered over the course of the exhibition, which you can find here.

Agnes Leong
Aizat Ady Ikram
Alina Pushkareva
Dedy Andrianto
Hafiz Shah
Ikmal Hadzri
Nik Ahmad Fahmi
Paulius Staniunas
Raja Mokhzairi
Ravin Shunmugarajan
Sara Kong
Saufi Nadzri
Sunlee Khan
Tay Keen Meng

Mark your attendance on the RGB Photo Exhibition event page here.

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