
Know Macbeth

Text Kevin Yeoh Image Show Up Pictures No, these Macbeth shoes are not yet available in Malaysia yet. JUICE got the exclusive and found out that the label will be invading our stores and hitting our feet and consequently the streets soon enough. The master plan of Tom DeLonge formerly of Blink-182, now with Angels […]


Tuborg presents JUICE’s 6th Birthday Bash @ Poppy

Text Ili Farhana and Kevin Yeoh Images Andy Koh JUICE takes parties seriously, especially if it’s OUR party. And in true JUICE fashion, we teamed up with the best partners going and saw to it that our Stars & Stripes theme birthday bash made like a monster and trampled all over anything going elsewhere in […]

Fashion Retail


Cupcakes and fashion!



Pre-reggae skankin’


The Original Games 2008 Collection By adidas

In just a few months, the Olympic Games will begin in historic Beijing and Adidas will be there to be a part of it, as it always has since 1928, when Adidas founder Adi Dassler created the first products for athletes to compete in Amsterdam. As the official sportswear partner to the Games, Adidas’ commemorative […]


Bombshell – CLOSED

Where did all these outrageous club kids come from, eh? One minute you’re rubbing shoulders with kids in the rather droll jeans with sneaks/heels combo, the next, it’s ‘Get out the way grandpa!’ in their loud tees, neon trews and sparkly leggings. Oh! And the hair! Well, Bombshell is where those kids are created.



Text + Images Benette Lee “A mix of art, fashion and music”, is how former DJ Roxy describes Sevendays, her latest foray into fashion. Located along Bangsar’s increasingly trendy strip, the Colette-inspired store retains a minimal ethos – with racks that are colour coordinated so it’s easy to browse – and stocks a selection of […]


pay no mind to the floating fish

Fashion giant Diesel took the concept of a runway fashion show and merged it with CGI and holographic wizardry to come up with a pret-a-porter display of dazzling proportions at the Pitti Immagine Uomo fair in Florence. Working with director Wilbert Das, Spanish animation studio Devin and Danish multimedia production agency Vizoo, this Diesel showcase […]


liz claiborne, rest in peace

Here at JUICE, we don’t normally pay any mind to the art establishment, because we’re so so avant garde like that. But respect where respect is due, this lady was considered mainstream only because she’s been bucking trends for three decades and change, and that’s pretty solid by our, or indeed anyone’s, standards. After years […]