Doves: Kingdom Of Rust (Heavenly/Astralwerks)
Doves create a driving and beautiful album that will get you soaring
The Horrors: Primary Colour (XL)
Lets just hope this is enough to redeem them from their much-hyped debut
Peaches: I Feel Cream (XL)
After impeaching her Bush, the ever-raunchy Peaches is now feeling creamy. Oo-er!
Peter Bjorn And John: Living Thing (Almost Gold)
No young folks on Peter Bjorn and that other guy’s latest album
Thunderheist : Thunderheist (Big Dada)
This is the kind of group whose shortcomings just gets thrown in the trash for the music to roll. The tracks are erotic and sensual without ever being too suggestive.
Gomez : A New Tide (ATO/Eat Sleep)
Gomez might be Brits, but the Americana in this one is strong, making it a worthy companion to Fleet Foxes.
Green Day : 21st Century Breakdown (Warner)
Rebel rouser anthems and piano laced emo moments fuel this rock opera which tells the tale of 2 punk lovers on the run…
The Whitest Boy Alive : Rules (Bubbles)
Rules is a loungy light electro funk album with jazzy hooks that could’ve come from Jamiroquai…
Marilyn Manson: The High End of Low (Polydor)
Hit or miss, this is an album critics and fans alike can’t decide