PM: Government Wants To Make It Compulsory For People To Wear Face Masks In Public

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source: TV3

Today, 20 July 2020, Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, announced that the Malaysian government might be implementing new rules regarding face masks. As of right now, face masks are highly-advised but not mandatory. Soon, that could all change. He said in a live address from the Malaysian Houses of Parliament,

“Law enforcement will be improved and heavier fines will be charged on those who are found violating laws and regulations. The government is currently considering making it compulsory for people to wear face masks in public,”

This consideration spurred from the recent spike in 13 new clusters during the RMCO (Restricted Movement Control Order) period. Despite cases continuing to fluctuate, this recent development is causing concern for the Prime Minister. He said,

“Although the number of COVID-19 cases remains low in our country, I am quite concerned with the existence of 13 new clusters during the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) period. What is more worrying to me is that the positive cases of COVID-19 have returned to double-digit numbers over the past few days.”

He also hopes that the country would not have to resort to a lockdown anytime soon. For now, he hopes the country will stay vigilant and continue to practice social distancing and good personal hygiene in order to prevent any more spikes.

As an additional note, KKM also shared the correct way of wearing and removing your face mask. Since most Malaysians tend to leave the mask hanging below their chin when they’re not wearing it, it is important to spread this message.

Watch his full announcement below:

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