Owner & Doggo Save The Day When They Stop a Woman From Being Raped by a Robber

There is no shortage of heartwarming dog stories on JUICE. From security doggos to doggos wearing face masks, our canine friends are always up to something cute.
This time, a dog in Kuala Lumpur abandoned the cute tricks and replaced it with valiance and bravery when it stopped a woman from getting raped and robbed in her house.
Taking to Facebook, owner O Tak Tan shared the incident stating that he heard loud and alarming barks from his dog during the early hours of the morning. When he went to check on it, he noticed the barks were accompanied by the shrieks of his neighbour.
她家进贼了,而且还企图强奸,她反抗,歹徒企图用铁器击晕她,也惊醒了她隔…Posted by O Tak Tan on Sunday, February 21, 2021
According to him, the neighbour was screaming that someone had broken into her house.
Arming himself with a rotan and his trustworthy dog, they both rushed over to help.
They found the woman bleeding with a blunt-force trauma head injury. According to her, the robber hit her over the head before attempting to rape her.
However, when he heard the barks of the dog and when she continued to scream, he realised that he had to flee the scene.
In the end, nothing was stolen and the woman only suffered a head injury. The dog was naturally praised for its bravery.
Tan’s post has garnered 3.2k shares at the time of writing.