The Final Future Music Festival Line-up + Itinerary, For Real This Time
The biggest music festival to reach this region is about to grace us, like, in less than 24 hours – that ish cray, son. And as music festivals are wont to, rumours are often abound! Which honestly doesn’t really affect the excitement seeing as The Chemical Brothers (super-confirmed!) are still bound to hit the decks tomorrow […]
Zouk @ Sepang: The Experience Update!
Extra, extra, read all about it! Zouk @ Sepang has got some great news for you ravers. Joining the local line-up are the residents of Nasty Hype (Mr Nasty and HypeEmBeats), and We Love Techno (Terence C and XU). As we all know, Nasty Hype is a duo that never fails to please the crowd […]
Exclusive Streaming of The Shins’ Port of Morrow!
It’s the moment you Shins-fans have been waiting for! Their 4th studio album, Port of Morrow, has just arrived hot from the oven, and is available for streaming. 5 long years of waiting are finally over, so sit back and enjoy! Your patience has finally paid off. Just remember though – you heard it first, on […]
FMFA: Timetables and Map!
With less than ten days to the event, FMFA finally released the map for the show grounds and the timetables for the 4 stages. Now you guys can plan your day ahead. From what we can tell, it’s a whole lot of awesome, it finishes at 3am (12 hours of partying – who doesn’t love […]
Gorillaz, Andre 3000 and James Murphy: ‘DoYaThing’ Video Premiere
The Gorillaz are on their way to becoming very, very real! The video for their collaboration with Andre 3000 (Outkast) and James Murphy (LCD Soundsystem) shows us what the Gorillaz household is probably like. 2D is the big brother who looks after everyone, while Noodle sleeps like a sweet little girl, Russel is as big […]
UPDATED: New names for Future Music Festival Asia!
UPDATE (16/3/2012): Check out the very final line-up here! Hey there boys and girls! We’re assuming that most of you are just as excited as us at JUICE to attend the most anticipated festival in South East Asia, Future Music Festival Asia. Most of you excited peeps should know who is already part of the line up […]
The Shins: ‘Simple Song’ Video Premiere
What’s that majestic sound in the distance? It’s the sound of how awesome JUICE is. American indie-rock band The Shins are premiering their video for the new single ‘Simple Song’ in Malaysia exclusively – and we really do mean, exclusively – on JUICE! Awwww yeah! This is the first track off their fourth album, Port […]
Kultur Estrada: Music From The East!
Sarawak shows the rest of Malaysia and the world what it’s got with its own online music series…
Behind The Scenes: Streething x VPYP x Levi’s
Urban culture site Streething and photographer Vincent Paul Yong has something up their sleeves! Together with Levi’s, they’ve been roaming the streets of KL to create a special video lookbook.
Gorillaz Do Their Thang With Converse
Converse. Gorillaz. Coverse. Gorillaz. The more we think about it, the more we like it! The virtual band has collaborated with the sneaker giant to come up with 4 pairs of shoes that are inspired by the members – Murdoc, Russel, Noodle and 2D. That’s not all; Gorillaz also worked on a track with Converse […]