National Body Builder Opens Healthy Burger Stall in Kuching & Salmon Burger is His Bestseller

We often see healthy food being sold in cafes and restaurants, but with the ongoing CMCO, many new small businesses and stalls are offering healthy alternatives to the usual street food.
Recently, national bodybuilder, Awang Mohd Azizul Ghani got the nation’s eyes on him once again but this time it’s for his new burger stall that sells healthier burgers compared to your standard ramli burger, and particularly for one well-known burger on his menu which has become everyone’s favourite in town – Awang’s Salmon Burger.

The 35-year-old’s reason for opening the stall called Burger Muscleman, is simply to provide healthier meals to customers considering these options can be quite pricey in the market. What makes Awang’s stall unique is the fact that the food is prepared based on the eating habits of professional bodybuilders, focusing on protein.
According to The Borneo Post, Awang’s stall has gained popularity to the extent that customers can be found lining up from 4pm-10pm at Jalan Santok as they do not want to miss their chance of getting a taste of his burgers, especially the stall’s signature Salmon Burger aka Muscleman Burger.

The Muscleman Burger is made purely out of Norwegian salmon and is sold every Friday and Saturday. Awang states that he has realised that not many people can afford to eat salmon, thus, he came out with the idea to sell this particular burger.
Other burgers available include the Tricep Beef Burger, Hamstring Hot Dog and ‘whey Protein Benjo’.
Although 2020 has been a really gloomy year that has caused many to gravitate towards a sedentary lifestyle, it’s great to see that some of us aren’t forgetting about our longterm health. Here’s to more cheaper, healthier dinning choices!