Yuna digs Coldplay, Garbage, Alanis Morissette, Bjork, The Cardigans and admits to inciting influence from their work when writing or recording any of her own singles.
Both girls have been playing the piano from a tender young age, but it was The who actually took it further musically, while Dizzy got creative and shared stuff she has written. Dizzy admitted it wasn’t easy.
Although initially one of the underdogs in the hip hop game, Schizzow has come a long way to eventually release 2 independent albums at the tender age of 19 with his group, Fundamental Mentalities.
Musically, Shazet finds inspiration from a wide range of people like Uztaz Akhil Hayy, Busta Rhymes and P.Ramlee. Shazet is currently working on his mixtape, which is recorded in his studio cum bedroom.