You Can Donate Old Laptops to this NGO & They’ll Refurbish Them So Kids Can Use Them to Learn Online

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source: MACO (Facebook)/

Some of you might have old laptops lying around somewhere in the house. Often times, you just don’t know what to do with them so you just let them sit there on the same shelf for years until they turn into a mini exhibition on obsolete tech.

Medical Awareness Camp Outreach (MACO) is an NGO that was started by a group of specialist doctors and volunteers to provide free medical services and support the poor across Malaysia.

They’ve recently launched a Computer Empowerment Programme to provide refurbished laptops to children from lower-income families so they can learn online. And here’s where you can help.

source: MACO (Facebook)
source: MACO (Facebook)

Rather than throwing or letting them collect dust, you could donate your old laptops to support this project.

By donating your old laptops to MACO, you are helping to provide access to education that these children might not otherwise get, especially during the pandemic.

source: MACO

To donate, you can call the Tech team in the poster above and visit their Facebook page for more info.

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