Woman Found Drenched in Blood by Roadside Actually Hired Hitmen to Kill Her Own Husband

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source: Serambi Indonesia

If there’s one rule in life that you need to remember it’s to never cheat on your significant other because nothing good will ever come out of it.

Recently, a crime of passion occurred in Indonesia when a 25-year-old woman was found crying and drenched in blood by a roadside. In hysterics, she told passers-by that she and her husband had been robbed and that her husband was seriously injured.

He was soon pronounced dead and the wife soon became the weeping widow that garnered the sympathy of everyone around her.

source: Harian Riau

However, after further investigation, police found out that the husband was not killed in a robbery but he was assassinated by hitmen hired by his own wife.

The husband was brutally stabbed to death by four hitmen in Medan and who were not only hired by his wife, but his wife’s lover as well.

It turns out, the wife had been having an affair and the both of them hatched the murder plan in order to inherit all of her husband’s money since he was a very successful gold trader.

Police arrived at her residence while the family was still in a state of mourning. Authorities arrested her and her lover and they are now suspects in the alleged crime which carries a 20-year prison sentence.

It just goes to show that greed is one hell of a deadly drug.

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