WATCH: Wife of MP Self-Quarantines on Private Beach While Rakyat Crammed Into Quarantine Centres

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Recently, the wife of Padang Rengas MP Nazri Aziz, Datin Seri Haflin Nazri Aziz, was seen frolicking on a beach with her children and maid in her most recent Instagram post.

What concerned the public was that she was wearing a pink bracelet, which signifies that she was supposed to be under quarantine.

After she posted the video, it naturally went viral and invited criticism from netizens.

Watch it below:

In a report by Malaysianow, Haflin explained that she did not travel to a public beach… The beach she was seen at actually belonged to her. Yes, that whole beach is her territory.

While her husband is currently warded at Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab, his wife is apparently having the “best home quarantine ever.”

Another alarming revelation from Haflin’s 20-second post was her comment to one of her followers where she disclosed that she was anti-vaccine.

Take a look:

Netizens were quick to find the polarising differences between those in power and the regular, everyday rakyat.

It doesn’t take an extremely observant individual to notice the stark contrast between Haflin’s quarantine and those who were herded into the MAEPS quarantine centre.

Here is an example:

For further illustration, let’s take a look at how quarantine has affected us regular folks:

Guess the option for quarantine at idyllic getaways and the choice to be anti-vaccine was not extended to people like you and me…

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