Sultan of Selangor Expresses Disappointment over Religious Figures’ Refusal To Get Vaccinated

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Selangor Sultan expresses disappointment over endless political turmoil in the country | The Star
source: The Star

Amidst the haste to get vaccinated and possibly return to normalcy, some people believe that the vaccines are not the way to go when it comes to handling the Covid-19 virus.

JUICE recently conducted several interviews that highlighted several reasons why these anti-vaxxers are hesitant or adamant on not taking the vaccine.

The reasons include government conspiracy, population control and religion.

But the common folk are not the only ones expressing their disappointment at how this minority wishes to stay away from the vaccine. In fact, Selangor Ruler Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah has conveyed his sadness via a Facebook post.

Read the post in full below:

Targeting several religious teachers and mosque officials, the post was meant for Kafa teachers, committee members and marriage solemnisers in Selangor who were meant to attend the special frontliners vaccination programme organised by the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (JAIS) at the Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Mosque.

The Sultan expressed his disappointment when only 203 out of the 873 figures attended the programme. Even worse, 96 out of the 203 refused to be vaccinated.

Naturally, being in a position of great influence, these figures’ refusal would stifle the momentum when it comes to reaching herd immunity. It would also cause problems for religious school students.

The programme was meant to ensure the safety of all Muslims in the state and allow for Muslims to return to worshipping and carrying out activities in the mosques as usual.

As of right now, the names of the people who declined the vaccinations will be presented to the Sultan by the end of the week.

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