Anti-Vaxxer That Did “Social Experiment” By Dining-In Receives Backlash From Netizens

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Malaysia to ease COVID-19 restrictions for fully vaccinated in eight states - SE Asia - The Jakarta Post
source: The Jakarta Post

Recently, the government loosened its regulations when it comes to those who are fully-vaccinated.

This means individuals that have completed 2 doses of their vaccine are allowed to dine-in and go for recreational activities outdoors such as exercising, skateboarding, camping and other activities that do not involve large crowds.

When the news broke, many anti-vaxxers were not pleased.

One particular anti-vaxxer took it upon herself to conduct a “social experiment” to see whether or not she could get away with doing all of the things mentioned above without being vaccinated.

source: The Vocket

In a Facebook post that has since gone viral and reposted on Twitter, the woman stated that she felt like doing a social experiment after hearing a lot of talk on social media that anti-vaxxers should just “rot at home” while those who are fully-vaccinated can enjoy special privileges.

She then went on to enter various premises such as 7-Eleven, Speedmart, Pizza Hut as well as other stalls and eateries. According to her, none of these premises asked to see her vaccination card and she could enter freely.

She also mentioned that her husband tried the same social experiment when he was looking for a barber to cut his hair. He was chased out of 2 premises before landing on one that did not ask to see proof of vaccination.

According to her, this meant that the barber was “sincere” in searching for income and that the previous barbers were “too rich” to accept his payment. She went on to say that we should “support” the former barbers instead of those who refuse to serve you because you are not fully-vaccinated.

In the final paragraph of her Facebook post, the woman then brazenly mentioned the time her entire family dined-in at a restaurant and got away with it.

She said, “Alhamdulillah. Allah has made it easy. Who said people who didn’t get 2 doses can’t dine in? Even without the 2 doses, my family and I could safely dine-in this morning. What is impossible? Nothing!”

Malaysia's fully vaccinated population hits 36%, total administered doses at 29.37 mil | The Edge Markets
source: The Edge Markets

Her post has since been deleted but the repost on Twitter has garnered 12.6k retweets.

Naturally, netizens were furious upon reading her story.

Here are a few of their comments…

Gambling the lives of others is neither Islamic nor a social experiment.

People are dying everyday due to Covid-19 and there are people endangering the lives of others all for the sake of a “social experiment.”

Don’t be selfish. Stay at home.

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