Singaporeans Mock Malaysian Frontliner About Her Emotional Flight Home After 2 Years Of Service

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A Malaysian nurse recently shared her story about working as a frontliner for two years in Singapore, and finally being able to fly home to Sarawak.

Tracy posted a video on TikTok, recording her sentimental journey back home after being stuck in Singapore due to Covid-19. The emotional video blew up as many Malaysians welcomed her home after being stuck in Singapore.

“Initially wanted to take a video of me eating the muffin that they gave me, but I ended up getting emotional,” said Tracy, or @trcyjntm on TikTok.

“Thinking about how much I struggled for two whole years alone, without my family around. Handling the pandemic as a frontliner was not easy. Just cannot believe I’m really going back home after everything I’ve been through.”

Her sacrifice to battle the pandemic caught the attention of both Malaysians and Singaporeans in the comments section, most of which were thanking her for her service and how her story warmed the hearts of many.

However, the viral video also got some hateful remarks from several Singaporeans.

Tracy posted some screenshots on Twitter of netizens from just across the shore mocking her and claiming that she only worked in their country for the money.

“The reason why I always use my Malaysian sim card is because I don’t want my TikTok audiences to be from (the) SG region. because most of them would always say these type of shit to me.”

*cue the eye roll

It’s baffling how some can turn a heartwarming, wholesome video about a nurse returning home after going through two years in a pandemic in a foreign country, into an opportunity to shame her for being there in the first place.

Make it make sense! Whether or not you agree with these insensitive comments, there’s a time and place, guys.

And on that note, JUICE would like to extend our gratitude towards all frontliners who have truly been the MVPs amidst the global pandemic.

Not all heroes wear capes! Sometimes they wear PPEs and gloves. 

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