Second Fluffy Baby Panda Makes Debut at Zoo Negara & We Can’t Handle Its Cuteness!

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(source: Bernama)

Having a case of the Monday Blues? Well here’s news that’ll pick you up. A fluffy, 4-month old panda cub greeted the public for the first time at Zoo Negara last Saturday. Apparently, her birth was a rare win in the tricky realm of natural panda reproduction. Congrats mother nature!

According to media reports, the cub is the second offspring of panda parents Liang Liang and Xing Xing — both are on a 10-year loan to Malaysia by China and have been in the zoo since 2014.

Xing-Xing & Liang-Liang (source: Sarawakiana)

If you’re wondering why this is considered a ‘miracle’, it’s simply because pandas in captivity are known for being rarely in the mood to mate and are often clumsy during the act. Such typical panda behaviour huh?

Mat Naim Ramli, director of the Zoo Negara’s panda centre outside Kuala Lumpur said that all three pandas are doing great in health.

“The cub weighs nine kilograms (20 pounds). She is so cute. Her growth is quite fast and she is already able to move slowly,” he told reporters.

(source: NST)

While photographers were in line preparing for the cub’s debut, the fluffy baby wasn’t shy approaching them – slowly that is. The unnamed panda was happy ‘modelling’ while mostly just laying on her belly. Ugh, such a cutie.

(source: DW)

On the other hand, her sister Nuan Nuan that was born in August 2015 had been sent back to China in November last year as part of Beijing’s agreement with Malaysia that cubs born in captivity must go back at the age of two. China has long practiced Panda Diplomacy with leaders such as Richard Nixon and our own former-PM Najib Razak.

According to the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), there are only 1,864 giant pandas left in the wild. So this is definitely something to be celebrated.

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