Our Health DG Shows Us How He Spent His Break & It’s Not What We Expected

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source: NST

Datuk Noor Hisham Abdullah has been at the front and centre of every news announcement regarding the Covid-19 pandemic and Malaysians are beginning to be so accustomed to his face, that we feel like we know him. Some even go as far as to call him their ‘uncle’ or ‘Pak Ngah’.

source: The Star

Touted as a hero by many Malaysians, especially young children who even send him cards, drawings and friendship bracelets to show their appreciation, it seems that our Health DG is very well-loved. With all the negativity that naturally comes with this pandemic, Malaysians can always count on Datuk Noor Hisham to tell us the straight facts.

Since he is one of the integral front-liners of our country, it’s safe to assume that he’s very busy. While some of us are enjoying our spare time by streaming Netflix or making bread, one might wonder what Datuk Noor Hisham is up to whenever he has a few hours to kill.

Well, he recently posted on his Facebook that he spends his free time at the hospital, conducting surgery. How on-brand of him!

Here’s his post:

Maybe he is a superhero after all, for it seems like he’s never catching a break from saving lives. While some of us expected something more menial like golfing or grooming pets, surgery just makes the most sense for him.

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