Miss the Smell of Mexican Buns aka Rotiboy? Here’s a Simple Recipe to DIY at Home

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(source: SG Foodie)

Don’t lie to me and say you’ve never done a double-take whenever you pass by a Rotiboy store! The sweet smell of their delicious hot buns alone can get us sniffing like a police canine on Escobar’s farm.

The crispy crust, the pillowy white interior, and the smooth layer of nutty butter in between is definitely magic in the mouth, oof!

While the general name for this type of bread is ‘Mexican Coffee Bun’, Rotiboy took inspiration from a Mexican bread called Conchas but added their own spin by adding a coffee topping and now, we can’t get enough of ’em.

Since Malaysia just extended our MCO until 12 May, long days are ahead until we will be reunited with our beloved Rotiboy. So, why not try to bake some of our own at home!

(source: Twitter – @hotthaikitchen )

For everyone who’s fasting this Ramadhan, it can be a sweet treat to go along with your kurma when you break fast for Iftar. Leftovers can be kept for your sahur session too! Although we doubt there will be any buns left once you try this easy recipe. Anyway, let’s get to baking!

This Mexican coffee bun recipe was kindly shared by the Facebook user – Puteri Rupawan, and it has simple ingredients that you can find easily. Here’s what you need!

(source: Puteri Rupawan/Facebook)

Ingredients for the bread:

  • 1 egg yolk
  • 30g of castor sugar
  • A pinch of salt
  • 250g bread flour/wheat flour
  • 1 tablespoon milk flour
  • 1 teaspoon yeast
  • 150ml of water
  • 30g margarine

Ingredients for the coffee topping:

  • 50g butter (softened)
  • 40g of brown sugar
  • 1 egg of grade A
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla ice cream
  • 1 tbsp of Nescafe (mixed with 1 tbsp of hot water)
  • 60g of wheat flour
  • 10g of cornflour

Ingredients for bread filling:

  • Butter
  • Sugar
  • Salt

Now that you know what to get, here’s how you can make it!

Start with the bread filling:

1. Mix butter, sugar and salt and mix well.

2. Then put the butter mixture into the refrigerator to harden it.

(source: Puteri Rupawan/Facebook)

Next, the bread:

1. Combine eggs, sugar, salt, bread flour/wheat flour, milk flour, yeast, margarine and water in a mixer.

2. Knead all the ingredients until the dough does not stick to the bowl and becomes elastic.

3. Let the dough proof for about 15 minutes.

Roll up the filling in the bread dough:

(source: Puteri Rupawan/Facebook)

1. Take 40g of the dough to form small circles.

2. Cut the harden butter mixture into small cubes and insert it in the dough one by one.

3. Make sure to round the dough back again to cover the butter inside.

4. Repeat this process until the dough and butter are finished.

Now, for the topping:

1. Mix all the topping ingredients, stir well.

2. Then insert the mixture into a piping bag.

(source: Puteri Rupawan/Facebook)

3. Apply a layer of margarine onto the tray or you can use parchment paper.

4. Let the dough you’ve rolled up to rest on the tray for 30 minutes.

5. Then, squeeze out the topping on top of the bun – like this!

(source: Puteri Rupawan/Facebook)

6. Preheat the oven to 170°c.

7. Finally, bake the buns at 170°c for 20 minutes and before you know it – you’ll have freshly baked Mexican coffee buns ready to eat!

Take a look at the results. Now, that’s how you satisfy your cravings!

Good luck baking everyone ~

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