M’sian Discovers a Giant Petai in the Jungle… Netizens Warn Him About Eating It

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(Source: Kayy_azman)

Every recipe has its own secret sauce or ingredient to make it taste better. In Malaysian cuisine, many dishes are incomplete without petai. For example, a sambal prawn dish without petai is not the same sans the bitter bean.

Recently, Twitter user, @kayy_azman shocked local petai lovers and the internet when he posted a pictures of a pod of petai beans he found in the jungle that were not twice, but thrice the size of our normal petai beans! Can you imagine that in a dish?

Kay himself said he never knew there was “XXXL” size petai out there.


When JUICE spoke to Kay, we asked about the origin of the giant petai, to which he simply replied that he found it in a forest but could not disclose the name of the woods due to poachers.

He also stated that he was surprised to find it, but did not try to eat it.


This is not the first time giant petai beans have been found.

In 2013,  Aaron Ngu, a Kapit Photographic Society chairman, had found 2 pods of giant petai during a marathon run as reported by the Borneo Post Online.

(Source: Borneo Post Online)

Petai might be a nice to eat, but it also comes with a smelly aftermath. Following Kay’s tweet, many netizens pointed out that while it may look awesome, consuming it might come with some side-effects…




In nature, petai trees do grow in forests but to find one that has grown this huge is rare. It’s great that Kay is doing his part by not disclosing the forest’s information so that it will be protected.

Also, just a reminder that it’s generally not advisable to eat fruits or vegetables that you find in the wild as there are lots of different species that look like the common ones we’re used to consuming, except they might put you on a trip that makes you poop out your nightmares.

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