Malaysian Man Cycles 3,800km Across 5 Southeast Asian Countries for Charity

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source: FMT

Meet Pepper Lim, a 55-year-old private tutor and part-time adventurer who cycled 3,800km from Bukit Jalil Stadium in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to the Vietnam-China border over the span of 36 days to raise money for charity.

The journey led him across five countries in Southeast Asia including Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. It’s also worth noting that Lim got into cycling just 10 years ago after his friends got him into the hobby.

Since then, he’s founded his own cycling club and even wrote an entire book about cycling.

According to FMT, Lim raised about RM30,000 in donations by biking around West Malaysia during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns and wanted to repeat a similar charity ride once international borders reopened… so he did.

His most recent cross-country trip was nothing short of amazing, with many memories made along the way. That being said, Lim admitted that the physical pain from riding for hours on end still remains and said that he would never go on another cycling journey like that again.

source: FMT

During his trip, Lim would wake up, pack his bags, cycle, look for iced coffee for brunch followed by lunch after, rest for a bit around 3 pm, then search online for somewhere nearby to stay for the night.

At the end of the day, he would write a progress report of his journey and record a video for his personal WordPress blog before heading to bed.

Lim hopes that everyone, including his own two children, would take to heart the lesson to always be willing to pursue their dreams.

source: FMT

“Everyone has their own dragon to slay. It’s always better to try and fail rather than never to try at all,” said Lim. His achievement also earned him a place in the Malaysia Book of Records.

After reaching out to Pepper for comment, he said “I hope more Malaysians will set and break records too. Let’s show the world that Malaysians can do great things!”

Lim’s journey is truly inspirational and proves that age is just a number, and with perseverance and determination, anybody can achieve great things. Pepper’s charity is still ongoing for those of you who’d like to donate:

  • The Lions Club of Tropicana Petaling
    Public Bank: 3231267936
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