Can’t Express Emotions? This M’sian Artist Will Write Gorgeous Handwritten Letters For You

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Since Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, if you’re a sucker for romance and sentimentality, this artist will surely be up your alley.

For fans of the movie Her (which is high on our list of Top Softboy Movies), you’ll know that the protagonist is a designer that curates personalised cards as gifts. Think of it as getting your own specialised Hallmark card, just without all the cliche and nauseating one-liners.

Well, this Malaysian artist takes inspiration from that idea and turns it into these gorgeous handwritten letters.


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Now, we may have published several pessimistic articles regarding Valentine’s Day before, but we’re not heartless monsters. There’s no denying that Nur Izzati’s talent and ability to weave such beautiful cursive is admirable, making us want to spend that extra coin on our significant other.

Sharing her work on Twitter, @soyoulikeart went viral when she promoted her services. In her caption, she lists just about every mood and occasion where you would want to receive a handwritten letter.

Take a look:

With the MCO limiting our ability to be the utmost hopeless romantics come V-day this year, Nur Izzati has stepped in to fill that gap. Her letters are delivered to you via post so you can feeling-feeling like you’re in a period drama.

In an interview with The Vocket, the artist shared where she got her inspiration and how the business came to be. She disclosed,

“I started doing research on pen pals on Instagram. Most of them were from overseas. From there, I decided I wanted to try writing letters too.”


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In order to tailor to your preferences, Izzati offers different kinds of papers, inks and brush strokes for her letters. Starting at RM20 per 100 words, the price depends on how long you want your letter to be.

Izzati also revealed that she’s been getting orders almost everyday ever since the MCO started. Her clientele mostly consists of married couples and people who wish to gift a letter for a birthday celebration.

source: The Vocket

Not only does she transform your words into gorgeous art, but she can also write the letters for you. According to her, some customers give her the creative freedom to write whatever she wants with just a few prompts and personal tidbits as a base.

As a writer with awful handwriting, this idea is very attractive to me.

If it is to you as well, you can contact her via her Twitter and her Instagram.

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