Malaysians Are Buying Fake Datukship Titles Online With Prices Starting From RM80,000

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There have been too many mischievous Datuk stories the past few weeks and there’s finally an explanation for all the madness.

Apparently, the average Malaysian can purchase a fake Datukship title online for the price of RM80,000 to RM120,000.

According to the Council of Federal Datuks of Malaysia (MDPM), they have been receiving complaints of bogus titles being sold on Facebook, Whatsapp and even online stores.

Member of the council Datuk Samson David Maman urged the public in a press conference to keep alert of these platforms and explained that avenues other than receiving the title from the Agong, sultans or governors of Malaysia are not only fake but illegal.

One particular “association” has been running rampant online, selling credentials, medals, car emblems and other paraphernalia of a certain state for a fixed fee. The fees are RM80,000 for Datuk and RM120,000 for Datuk Seri.

MDPM vice-president Datuk Abdul Razak Dawood stated that this scam is becoming a trend, especially for youths as a means to boost their ego and status within the realms of business propositions.

An initiative that is currently in progress is a national body to register genuine title holders and weed out the fake ones.

As a way to stop this from persisting, those who have purchased fake titles will no longer be tolerated.

Under the Emblems and Names (Amendment) Act, a convicted offender can face a fine of RM20,000 or imprisonment not exceeding three years or both, while those guilty of soliciting awards or trying to sell fake awards will face up to 20 years in jail under the Awards Act 2017.

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