PHOTOS: Local Toy Collector Who Creates “Uniquely M’sian” Toys Gives Free Toys To Children

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What’s something that brings us all back to our childhood other than the unsavoury memories of school?

The simplest answer would be toys – of all different kinds.

Be it Hot Wheels or Barbies, we can all remember playing around the house with our favourite toys when we were children and despite our blossoming age, these action figures and dolls still have a special place in our hearts.

So, when a local toy collector and creator decided to ride his motorbike around his neighbourhood to give away free toys to children, it only reminds us of how happy we were when our parents first got us these toys when we were younger.

Hitting that sweet note of nostalgia, these videos give us joy since we know that these children will eventually grow to develop their own fond attachments and memories to these figurines – just like we did.

Not only does this toy collector believe in giving children a happy childhood, but he’s also passionate in creating toys that can transport grown adults back to theirs.

He even posted a video about his daily routine. Watch it below:

Creating “uniquely Malaysian” figurines, the man known as Wan Kedah has incorporated famous Malaysian pop culture references into his toys for that local flavour.

So far he has made over 1,000 toys and they are priced at RM139 to RM189, depending on the design.

According to him, the idea to make local designs came from attending a toy festival in Jakarta, Indonesia in 2016, and when he saw the variety that was displayed there, he decided that Malaysia should have its own community as well.

Check them out below:

Based in Kedah, he meticulously crafts each toy and some even have comics attached to them.

Despite being grown-ups, we are never too old to play with toys and Wan Kedah understands this by including a label that reads, “Untuk kanak-kanak umur 30 tahun ke atas sahaja,” which translates to “For children aged 30 and above only.”

An active part of the community, Wan Kedah also founded Skate Malaysia for your daily dose of local skate content alongside his toy endeavour.

Truly young at heart, we hope that Wan Kedah continues to enrich the youths of Malaysia with his winsome spirit and nostalgic trinkets because we all need some fun in our lives – no matter how old we are.

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