Daughter Surprises Oblivious Dad By Helping Him Decorate His Own Money Bouquet

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( Source : @chipchipnoi at Twitter)

Friends and relationships come and go, but the people who will always be by our side throughout the good and bad times are our family, especially our parents.

With all the sacrifices that they have made for us to be successful in life, it’s quite essential for us to show them some appreciation by surprising them with acts of kindness or gifts from time to time.

That’s exactly what Twitter user, @chipchipnoi did when she caught the attention of netizens when she surprised her father with a bouquet of not flowers, but money for his upcoming birthday.

Since the plan was a surprise and a hard one to pull off too, she had to tell a white lie to her father, explaining that the bouquet belonged to a customer.

Being oblivious to the situation, her father had offered to lend a helping hand to decorate the customer’s bouquet when it was actually meant for him.

Following the tweet, it gets even more emotional when the Twitter user had mentioned that ever since her mother had passed away, her father was all she had left as a parent. She only hopes for her father to live a long and happy life.

Other than that, she had also received many positive responses from netizens, with some even wishing her father Happy Birthday in advance.

It’s always important to cherish our loved ones, especially when they’ve supported us and helped us to grow into the person we are today.

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