Customers Are Using Fake Names Like “Superman” & “Badang” When Registering at Restaurants

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As of recently, with the relaxing of the MCO and influx of shoppers, customers are required to register at the door when entering establishments such as restaurants, pharmacies and small shops. By registering, they’re providing their full name, phone number and other means of contacting them in case a cluster occurs and they need to be notified.


What seems like a simple yet clearly important task has recently been ignored by Malaysians since some patrons are registering under aliases. According to Senior Minister for Security, Ismail Sabri Yaakob, the most famous fake names used are comic book superheroes like Superman, Batman and even Badang (keeping it local, I see).

Of course, the minister is angered by the careless behaviour of Malaysians who seem to be playing jokes when the matter is actually quite serious. If any emergencies were to transpire at that particular establishment, it would make it very difficult to track who was exposed to the virus at that time.

source: Bernama

In his daily briefing, he said, “If anything happens, we cannot contact them,” even suggesting that establishments should start jotting down MyKad numbers of said customers.

Feeling cornered, the government is forced to ask for our ID and address before letting us into any establishments to ensure our safety. Now we can all feel 16 again, waiting nervously to see if we can enter a club… In other words, we’re reverting and our days are made more difficult because a group of people decided to act childish.

It is highly crucial that we stay truthful when registering because it’s not just our lives at stake, its the lives of others as well. Be considerate and take the time to fill in the forms, honestly.

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