Charities That Are Badly Affected By MCO That Need Your Help Right Now

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( Source: World of Buzz)

Recently, Pertubuhan Kebajikan Orang Tua Xiao Xin, an old folks home in Selangor that takes in the elderly for free, appeared in the news calling for donations to keep the home afloat. The home which has been operating since May 2019, taking care of abandoned and poor elderlies aged from 61 to 68 years old, is a prime example of how charities are soldiering during these trying times.

As the pandemic rages on, many orphanages, care centres and shelters have been badly affected by the MCO which has led to a decline in volunteers, donations and funds. In the #kitajagakita spirit, here are some charities that could use your help right now.


  1.  Rumah Bakti Nur Syaheera 

Located in Cheras, Rumah Bakti Nur Syaheera is a home for orphaned and poor children. Last August, the home was in need of donations to finally buy the house that it had been renting for almost 11 years. The cost of the house is RM670K and at least 30 children are staying in it.

When it comes to money, the home solely depends on donations from the public in order to get by. If you’d like to help by donating funds, you can call Johari Bin Haji Basri (012-2922542).

( Source: Rumah Bakti Nur Syaheera on Facebook)


2. Rumah Charis

Founded in 1988 by Reverend Teo How Ken, Rumah Charis is a non-profit Christian-based organisation which serves the elderly and orphans. During the MCO, the home had gone through challenging times as many donors had stopped donating funds. The home is also facing a lack of volunteers right now.

In order to weather the storm, the home has an upcoming volunteer-event on 3 October for youths to spend the day with the home’s residents. If you’re interested to help, or want to register for the event, call Andrew Lim (011-28302770).

Posted by Rumah Charis 恩惠之家 on Wednesday, September 23, 2020


3. A Pet’s Journal 

When the pandemic was at its peak, pets were being thrown out on the streets by irresponsible and cowardly owners after fake news surfaced that animals were spreading the virus to humans (when it was actually the other way around). Although that misinformation was later clarified, some animals have been going through tough times way before Coronavirus was a thing.

Led by an individual known as J, A Pet’s Journal are a group of people who have dedicated their lives to rescuing blind, paralysed and injured dogs.

Recently, they are in urgent need of funds for their new factory in order to move out 128 dogs from a cramped apartment building. There’s only 6 more days left to shift the dogs before they get dragged to the pound. If you’re willing to donate fund, their account is CIMB 8009972629 (St Pets Journal) as noted in their Facebook post.

( Source: A pets journal on Facebook)


4. The Lost Food Project 

The Lost Food Project is a food bank that collects and distributes food to different places for vulnerable groups in order to relieve hunger. During the MCO, the organisation has been constantly pressing for donations and extra food from the public to donate to orphanages and the homelessness. If you’d like to become a #foodhero and donate or volunteer, contact them on Instagram – @thelostfoodproject.

(The Lost Food Project on Instagram)


5. Pusat Pertubuhan Destiny 

If there’s one thing the MCO has limited, it’s education as many vulnerable students in rural areas are neglected. Providing a learning space for the underprivileged, Pusat Pertubuhan Destiny is a special welfare centre that empowers women and youths through education, counselling and basic vocational training.

Just like the definition of ‘destiny’, the home strives to change the course of events that have befallen the poor and marginalised. A variety of classes are constantly being thought here to children. If you’d like to volunteer or donate, please contact Pusat Pertubuhan Destiny at 03-33811449.


Please support our kids and their education

Posted by Pertubuhan Pusat Kebajikan Destiny on Sunday, September 20, 2020


The virus might have dampened a lot of our plans but it should never dampen our spirits to help the less fortunate. We’re all in this together #kitajagakita


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