Cat Whisperer Shelters 400 Cats & Spends Over RM15,000 A Month on Cat Food, Medicine & Housing

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MOHD Zaman bersama kucing jalanan yang diselamatkan.
source: Harian Metro

Previously JUICE reported about an elderly-woman who raised 100 cats on her own amidst the unrelenting pandemic who had to call for help by using the #BenderaPutih movement.

Now, 36-year-old Mohd Zaman Hamid has come forward with his story of raising over 400 stray cats at a house he rented specifically to accommodate them.

Everyday, Zaman would wake up at 4am to feed the cats around his housing area in Kulim, Kedah. He would even keep an eye out for sick cats and nurse them back to health.

The house he rented for the cats costs him RM300 a month which he furnished specifically to tailor to the cats’ comfort.

Additionally, Zaman spends RM15,000 of his own money a month for food, medicine and other needs without hoping for aid from any other parties.

His morning routine includes spending two hours to feed the cats and clean the house. After he’s done, he goes out to work and comes home in the evening.

But that’s not the end of his time with the cats. At 11pm, after spending time with his family, he would go back to the house to clean it once again and refill the food. His chores would take up hours of his time and he would sometimes return home at 1am.

If a cat was sick, he would take them to the vet and he would come home as late as 4am.

KUCING bebas bergerak dalam rumah.
source: Harian Metro

It all started when he saw a cat dead on the street after being run over by a vehicle, leaving her kittens behind. He was so heartbroken at the time that he decided to take the two kittens under his wing and from then on, he began saving more stray cats.

When the cats began taking up too much space in his home, he rented another house specifically for them. Luckily, his neighbours are very understanding.

His hopes for the future is that he will be able to afford to build a house in his area that can house up to 2,000 cats at a time. Until then, he is already scouting for helpers that are passionate in tending to cats.

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