
It Got Worse. Subscriptions to Telegram Channels Spreading Minors’ Nudes Now On Shopping Apps

Now they’re promoting in broad daylight in front of children and mothers worldwide.


Here Are Ways To Prevent Floods For Good

Malaysians are mostly aware of climate change, but now we need to take action!


WATCH: Bridegroom Receives Penis Rings, Condoms as Inappropriate Wedding Gifts From Horny Friends

The groom’s face turned red as he hid all those gifts behind him…


M’sian Woman’s Request to Leave Islam for Confucianism Was Rejected By Court Through Email

She had never practised Islam all her life but the court still said no.


WATCH: Unhinged M’sian Influencer Eira Aziera Sued for Fatshaming Facebook User

Hope those slimming products could pay her fine…