Stop Animal Cruelty: M’sian Man Repeatedly Beats Innocent Puppy Over 10 Times, Fracturing Its Bones

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It seems that despite the numerous videos, articles and social media postings disparaging animal abuse, a handful of Malaysians still have difficulty grasping the simple idea of being kind to animals, especially dogs.

JUICE has reported many cases of animal abuse that has made us angry beyond belief, whilst also promoting the people who go out of their way to treat them with kindness.

But alas, all the written words and pleading voices fall upon ignorant eyes and deaf ears when instances of severe animal abuse are still prevalent today.

Recently, lorry driver, Mohd Zainal Mat Daham, 41 years old, has pleaded not guilty at the Sessions Court to a charge of animal cruelty.

He was alleged to have cruelly beaten a puppy with a wooden stick, causing the bones of its right front and hind legs to be fractured.

The puppy, affectionally named Cera, had never bothered anyone in the neighbourhood prior to this incident. In fact, Cera was a good dog that was fed and looked after by the security guards.

During the night of the crime, the man assaulted Cera, a puppy that was too small to defend itself, while it was sleeping soundly.

According to a statement, passersby tried to help the pup, but were threatened with violence by the man if they were to intervene.

Cera was hit over ten times and was reported to be bleeding from its ears, eyes and nose.

My Forever Doggo, a shelter-neutral and free service platform that aims to spread kindness and re-home dogs, posted a video on their Instagram detailing the entire incident.

Watch it below:

Shima, a dog rescuer, found Cera and rushed it to the vet for treatment. According to her, it was a miracle the pup survived.

At the time of writing, Mohd Zainal is charged under Section 29 (1) (a) of the Animal Welfare Act 2015 and punishable under Section 29 (1) of the same law. If found guilty, he faces a fine of up to RM100,000, imprisonment for up to three years, or both, upon conviction.

Judge Zafirah Zainal Abidin allowed Mohd Zainal bail of RM6,000 and ordered him to surrender his passport to the court.

In order to stop these incidents from persisting, it is our duty to urge for the maximum punishment for those who decide to abuse animals.

How many more innocent pups must suffer at the hands of despicable humans? It’s high time we put an end to this cruelty.

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