20 Strays Found Dead at Construction Site Marks The 2nd Mass Killing of Dogs in Ipoh This Month

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(source: FB @malaysiaanimalassociation)

Just weeks ago, eight dogs were found poisoned near a row of shop lots at Lahat Mines.

Recently, the Persatuan Haiwan Malaysia – Malaysia Animal Association Facebook page shared how a group of dogs were allegedly poisoned to death after the Ipoh industrial site that was keeping them decided they did not need the dogs anymore.

It is unsure as to whether the industrial site staff poisoned the dogs or if others had shown up later to poison them. Unfortunately, this marks the second mass killing of dogs in Ipoh this month.

The NGO has since called for industrial dog ownership to have stricter regulations and licensing to avoid these kinds of situations.

“Control of dog ownership by factories, construction sites, industrial areas and plantations need to be introduced to prevent uncontrolled breeding of dogs that end in the revenge of dog haters who end up killing these innocent creatures.

Rules mandating the sterilisation of dogs should be enforced against all dog licenses to control unnecessary breeding which causes the dumping of dogs. This is a measure to control the dog population that causes conflicts of comfort, religious law and community safety issues,” they said.

Since Saturday (26 Feb) morning, pictures of the carcasses being removed by Ipoh City Council workers have gone viral and accusations that the dogs were poisoned by city council workers were being thrown.

However, The Ipoh mayor Datuk Rumaizi Baharin denied such allegations, according to The Star.

“This is a misunderstanding. When our workers arrived, the strays were already dead, and burying them was our responsibility,” he said to reporters on Saturday.

Meanwhile, Ipoh Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ISPCA) president Ricky Soong said dog poisoning cases had been occurring quite frequently recently.

(source: The Star)

He said ISPCA would continue to work with the city council in handling matters related to stray animals.

“I implore the people not to take matters into their own hands by being so cruel as to poison the animals… We are working with the city council on the trap-neuter-release-manage programme. We hope to get more support from the people towards the programme,” he urged.

Soong also reminded the public that under the Animal Welfare Act, those caught killing animals could be fined up to RM100,000 or face a maximum of three years’ imprisonment, or both.

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