Third Incident Of Stray Dogs Killed In Ipoh This Year Due To Alleged Poisoning… When Will It End?

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4 stray dogs have been found dead due to alleged poisoning near a row of shop lots at Lahat Mines, Ipoh on 4 June 2022.

In a video shared on Facebook page, Perak Press, 4 dogs can be seen writhing on the ground with their mouths foaming. They are believed to have been poisoned.

Trigger warning for disturbing content and animal death. 

According to the post, this is not an isolated incident as the same thing has been happening for quite a few years now.

In February this year, the Persatuan Haiwan Malaysia – Malaysia Animal Association Facebook page shared how a group of dogs were allegedly poisoned to death after the Ipoh industrial site that was keeping them decided they did not need the dogs anymore.

Around 20 stray dogs were found dead around the Tasik Cermin area one day before the Tasik Cermin Eco Park Pre-Launch in Ipoh.

Pictures of the carcasses being removed by Ipoh City Council workers went viral and accusations that the dogs were poisoned by city council workers were being thrown.

However, The Ipoh mayor Datuk Rumaizi Baharin denied such allegations, according to The Star.

“This is a misunderstanding. When our workers arrived, the strays were already dead, and burying them was our responsibility,” he said to reporters.

Meanwhile, Ipoh Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ISPCA) president Ricky Soong agreed that dog poisoning cases had been occurring quite frequently recently.

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State Veterinary Services Department (DVS) director Dr Ahmad Shafri Hassan said that the report on the latest incident has been received by the department.

The carcasses have also been collected by the DVS for a sample gathering to determine if the dogs were truly poisoned.

Following the dreadful video shared on the Facebook page, many netizens have expressed their anger at the incident, calling it cruel and that they can’t bear to watch the video.

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However, there were also a small number of netizens who found amusement in it and even thought that it was right to poison the dogs.


There were also a couple of netizens who asked more practical questions. One netizen said, “When the DVS gets the lab results, what should their next step be? And what will they actually do in reality?”


Is this a situation to be handled, or is it just plain inhumane to poison dogs?

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