10 Reasons Why Being Single is Better Than Being In a Relationship

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By Eondoss on DeviantArt

If you really sit down to think about the interesting concept of being a calm, collected, ineffable ‘lone wolf’, you may, possibly, begin to understand where certain furries are coming from.

Or, if you’ve decided to stray from the generational pressure of finding a forever partner and settling down, then you may resonate better with the black sheep.

No matter what your fur-sona, it’s easy to lose sight of the perks of solitude during the ‘month of romance’ when couples are all over each other and Ryan Gosling is on nearly every TV channel.

Fret not. We’re here to remind you why PDA is overrated:

1. You smell better

source: Medium

If you’re in a relationship, you kinda smell like your partner does. This is good if your partner smells good, but if they don’t then it’s better for you to smell like you. Statistically, everyone has body odour but 50% of us are comfortable with leaving it lingering.

Perhaps it’s also time to stop pretending that your partner’s unwashed hoodie doesn’t smell like rusted metal.

2. You don’t have to wait for anyone

Shutterstock image.

When you’re there, the show can start. Unless you’re early, then just wait, you impatient hamster!

3. You don’t have to be there ON TIME

source: Reddit

Okay, you do if you have an appointment, but you no longer have to answer to an annoyed face waiting for you at the restaurant texting you angry face emojis while you’re OTW. An annoyed face in real life never looks as cute as an angry face emoji.

4. The bed is now yours

source: Memedroid

What is the average height of Malaysians and length of our limbs? WHERE ARE THE STATISTICS? Wake up! Queen size is the actual single size. Not unless you’re sleeping on a <insert bed brand that paid for this.>

5. Watch what you want

Dreamstime stock image.

We are living in an age of high-speed meaningless content. But you don’t have to watch Dance Monsters.

6. Choose your own family

source: FamilyMinded

“You can’t choose which family you’re born into,” they say, otherwise I would be the son of King Kong. Nevertheless, you can choose to stick to your own family instead of having additional in-laws because your family is Hell already.

7. FREEDOM to date anyone be a RED FLAG

source: Memedroid

Most people shy away from the adventures life throws at ‘em. But as an unattached person, why indulge in adventure when YOU CAN BE THE ADVENTURE and take others on the ride of their lifetime? Nevermind that these rides crash and burn later, that’s what you call an adventure.

At least, by avoiding commitment, you don’t have to pretend that you’re capable of navigating a stable relationship while setting false expectations that will leave your partner with trust issues. Where was this article when my ex was around?!

8. You’ll live longer

source: Memebase

You’ll also need to exercise, eat & sleep well, meditate, and take good care of your overall health, but one thing’s for sure, you’ll never die from Romeo & Juliet syndrome.

9. There is nothing that you need TO GET

source: KnowYourMeme

Literally and metaphorically. You don’t need to get them a V-Day gift and neither do you need get wtf they are trying to say in an argument.

10. Your success is by your own merit

source: Freepik

A lot of successful people have supportive partners. But you can do the same job, maybe even better than those who are in a relationship… and you only need a supportive dog or cat, or even just you, yourself and your ego constantly screaming at you to do better.

Happy V-Day to all the single, independent people who are taking one for Mother Earth by not procreating, and doing us all a favour by lessening unwanted PDA and making Netflix think we all enjoy Dance Monsters.

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