Your First Time Voting Tomorrow? Here’s Some Do’s & Don’ts To Not Screw It Up

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Illustrations: kkkkkiddddd

#GE14 polling day is just another two days away and to all you newbies, we know it’s lowkey nerve wrecking. To be very honest, you don’t know what to expect until you experience it yourself.

All those questions that’s been bothering you like “What if my vote becomes rosak? What if I accidentally ink my fingers first? What if the aunty that’s in charge judges my outfit and won’t let me vote?” Calm down my little child, let’s get into the do’s and don’ts of voting before you end up looking like this on polling day:

Not a cute look to be serving at #GE14 (source: Giphy)

To make sure everything runs smoothly this Wednesday, let’s start with some Do’s:

(source: Giphy)

1. Do bring your Identification Card(IC)

It’s common sense but we’ll just remind you one last time – BRING YOUR MYKAD! Upon arriving, we will need to be identified as a Malaysian citizen and staffs will check if you are who you said you are. In cases where you have problems regarding your IC (if it’s lost), here’s what you can replace it with: Malaysian passport, receipt for Temporary Identification Card with a photograph, a receipt of Loss of Identification Card with photograph certified by the National Registration Department, your driving license with a photograph, or an authority card with photograph issued by a government department.

2. Do dress properly

It’s advisable to keep your clothing as neutral and decent as possible so that they won’t have any dirt on you to deny entry. Yes, they can be shady like that.

3. Do make sure that your ballot paper has a serial number & certified stamps

As a general rule, you should always check your ballot papers to ensure that they aren’t damaged, torn, misprinted, or marked in any way. Also, make sure that the stamp given by the polling agent is wholly-within the section of the ballot paper.  If there are any issues with the ballot paper or stamp, it’s within your right as a voter to ask for a new one.

4. Do vote for your preferred party with an “X”

Keep your artistic tendencies in check and just place a clear ‘X’ on the box (without going past the borders) next to the candidate’s name. Easy as 1,2,3..

Moving on, here are the no-no’s:

(source: Giphy)

1.  Do not wear clothes or accessories than is associated with a certain party

You will likely get barred from entering the polling station if you are seen to be wearing clothes that have a candidate’s name, a party’s symbol or emblem, or any other political elements on them. This also includes accessories such as umbrellas, ornaments, and water bottles. Wearing or carrying any of these within 50 meters of a polling station can lead to being denied entry to vote, a jail sentence up to one year, and/or a fine up to RM5,000. Be careful my friends!

2. Do not accept food from people (try to bring your own snacks)

This is highkey a serious matter, Section 8 of the Election Offences Act 1954 explains that accepting food, drinks, money or provisions when it is given with the intent of influencing a voter’s vote is regarded as a part of illegal treating. So to be safe, just avoid taking anything from anyone. Instead bring your own snacks and drinks before you head out.

3. Do not play around with the ballot paper

This means no selfies, no insta-stories, no putting random stuff in the ballot box, and no keeping it as a souvenir. Just cast your vote and go.

4. Do not be a nuisance & no loitering around after

Please don’t try to influence or prevent anyone from voting. Also, leave the area once you’re done. You have to be at least 50 metres away from the polling station.

Well, with all that being said – Happy voting this #GE14 ! Remember all of these and you’ll be good to go.

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