Watch The First Seasons of HBO’s Popular Shows For Free On HBO GO

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Chernobyl (source: HBO)

So, since the MCO has been prolonged until April 28 and possibly far longer since Malaysians are still ignorant about the importance of social distancing, the only thing keeping us sane is entertainment. And what better way to fill our time than to watch some of the best shows on modern television.

Game of Thrones when it was still good. (source: Collider)

HBO is known for its gritty television shows that often depict graphic scenes of violence, sex and gruelling reality. From classics such as The Wire, The Sopranos and Veep to new hits like Barry, Succession and Silicon Valley, HBO has one of the widest ranges of genres to choose from.

Redza Minhat in Folklore (source: HBO Go)

Not only do they have Western shows but they also cater to us Asians through shows like Folklore and Invisible Stories. If you’re an intellectual and prefer documentaries, HBO has that too in the form of McMillion$ and Jane Fonda in Five Acts.

As of April 15, HBO Go is letting us watch the first season of a few selected shows to keep us busy during quarantine. All you gotta do is sign up and download the app from App Store or Play Store. To make things more exciting for the whole family, you can also cast the shows onto your TV since it supports Airplay and Chromecast. Just make sure to keep things PG, aite?

With that said, here are a few of my favourite HBO shows that you can try out for free!

1. Barry

source: HBO Go

Comedic genius and Saturday Night Live alumni, Bill Hader, flaunts his serious acting chops in dark comedy, Barry. He plays a hitman turned aspiring actor who moves to Los Angeles to escape the trauma he faced during his service in Afghanistan. There, he enters an acting class and surprisingly becomes one of the most promising students while still working as a hitman.

Incredibly funny, offbeat and sometimes heartfelt (no joke, I sobbed at one point), Barry is definitely worth a try!

2. The Sopranos

source: HBO Go

The Godfather of the small screen, The Sopranos is definitely not for the faint of heart. As the comparison suggests, the show is about an Italian-American mafia residing in New Jersey that is lead by Tony Soprano. It’s funny, now that I think about it, The Sopranos is basically a reality TV show but instead of keeping up with the Kardashians, we’re keeping up with a bunch of cold-blooded killers who love going to the butcher for more than just buying meat.

Nightmare-inducing, cleverly written and scarily realistic, it’s no wonder why The Sopranos is considered one of the best shows of all time and now is your time to check it out!

3. Succession

source: HBO Go

If you’re a frequenter of Twitter, there’s no way you could have missed the dozens of compilations of the characters in Succession completely losing their sh!t. In short, the show is about a family who spirals out of control after the patriarch of their multi-billion dollar media company plans to step down due to health reasons. From there, we get an engrossing dysfunctional family drama/comedy that never stops exuding major chaotic energy.

Filled to the brim with comical The Office-like zoom-ins at times of tension, Succession is funny, whip-smart and never has a dull moment.

You may browse all of HBO Go’s free content here. There you have it… Turn your HBO on and stay safe at home!

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