Marvel Offers Free Digital Comics like Avengers, Black Panther & More

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source: Midtown Comics, CBR, Roqoo Depot

With the entire comic industry put to a halt due to the coronavirus pandemic, publishers are doing everything they can to help connect and share stories with their audience.

There are only so many things we can do while staying cooped-up. Some of you might’ve run out of things to keep you busy and have noticed odd patterns on the wall and ceilings from staring at them too much. While you can’t go watch Black Widow in theatres, you can still experience heroism with some free comic books.

Marvel has rolled out some free comics on their Marvel Unlimited service with titles from the Avengers, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Spider-Man, Star Wars, X-Men and more. You don’t have to sign up for a subscription trial or anything, just download the app for iOS or Android and start browsing on the “free comics” section.

source: Devil Comics Entertainment

There are obviously limited titles to choose from, but it’s still plenty enough. Comic books in Malaysia are super expensive, but they give you the satisfaction of staring blankly at a beautiful page and feeling the smooth glossy finish of the paper. Digital comics don’t actually give you that, but it’s convenient and free!

However, if you still think they’re not enough, you can always have a Marvel Cinematic Universe marathon which only takes off 50 hours of your time… Hey, it’s not like you got somewhere to be!

Stay safe, stay home and get some JUICE.

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