WATCH: Man Celebrating Hari Raya Becomes Internet Hero After Saving This Lizard!

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(source: Rojak Daily)

Although the monitor lizard is among the most intelligent reptiles on Earth, they too can get stuck in the head – literally. While most of us would run at the sight of this sharp-tooth creature, this man’s compassion for animals begs to differ.

As reported by Malay Mail, a video of a man who overcame his fear to help a monitor lizard has gone viral. In the video, the man is seen using his hand to free the poor reptile’s head which was stuck in a sardine can. Clad in his baju Melayu for Hari Raya celebrations, his swift action earned the praise of many animal-loving netizens, which made him an instant internet hero.

It took several attempts for the man to remove the can as the not-so-small biawak was probably as frightened as the man and evaded him.

The clip was shared by the Malaysia Animal Association on its social media channels, cheering his bravery with the caption, “This is praiseworthy. Even though it is categorised as a wild animal, there is no reason we should not help it.”

The association president Arie Dwi Andika also stated to Bernama that they are very proud that Malaysians have this kind of awareness. While we still don’t know who this good samaritan is, the association is currently trying to identify him so that they could offer the Noble Animal Malaysia award for his efforts in saving it.

The video was then shared by Senawang TV on Twitter, and gained more attention from netizens.

A Twitter user, Kiko Firdaus said, “As an animal lover, I pray that the brother who rescued the monitor lizard will receive blessings.”

Popular stand-up comedian Harith Iskandar also shared the video on his Instagram account with the caption, “This brother deserves our respect, very compassionate. I don’t know if I would be brave enough.”

Meanwhile, a Facebook user Thracius Cius said, “Thank you so much! We need more people like him. That monitor lizard probably was searching for food and ended up stuck in that can. Moral of the story: don’t throw your rubbish everywhere, humans!”

That last netizen’s comment goes without saying, ’cause it’s only a matter of time before nature strikes back.

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