Touching Video of Couple Giving KFC to Hungry Children at Sabah Goes Viral on Social Media

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(Source: Samuel Lee Wui Peng on Facebook)

The pandemic has left many vulnerable to financial hardships in its wake. If life was tough before for the under privileged, it’s even more strenuous now as lesser opportunities are available.

Recently, a video posted by Samuel Lee on Facebook of his girlfriend passing money and food from KFC to two less fortunate children, went viral on social media. According to Foodie KL, the children were sitting outside a KFC branch in Sabah when Samuel and his girlfriend met them.

In the video, we can see the shocked yet happy faces of the children when they got their special KFC package, with the elder child giving a thumbs up to Samuel with a faint smile.

Many netizens on social media were touched by Samuel and his girlfriend’s act of kindness and thanked both of them for their support.

(Source: Samuel Lee Wui Ping on Facebook)


(Source: Samuel Lee Wui Ping on Facebook)


(Source: Samuel Lee Wui Ping on Facebook)

As of now, Sabah remains the state with the highest number of COVID-19 cases, with over 15,692 infected. There are many organisations, including individuals from Borneo Komrad, who have been helping the less fortunate people of Sabah with donations and daily essentials.

Our Rakyat Jaga Rakyat spirit is needed now more than ever. We hope that these children, and the rest of us, will see the end of this pandemic soon enough.

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