This Illustrator is Being Haunted by the Ghost of a Little Boy & the Pictures Are Scary AF

Trending posts that centre around daily hauntings are gimmicky, but New York-based illustrator Adam Ellis’ Twitter thread about his encounter with a little (spectral) boy he named Dear David is as legitimate as it gets. Shockingly, it’s not just the story that gave netizens the creeps but also the pictures that go along with it – primarily featuring a child with a dented head (yikes!). What began in August has taken a drastic and disturbing turn for Ellis, with frequent oddities occurring more than usual.
So, this is how it all started:
He started appearing in dreams, but I think he’s crossed over into the real world now.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) August 7, 2017
He had a huge misshapen head that was dented on one side. I did my best to draw it:
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) August 7, 2017
It didn’t help that during his much-needed trip to Japan, Ellis discovered a statue that shared uncanny similarities to the severed head of Dear David. Nothing more annoying than trying to escape your worst nightmares, only to find an eerie surprise in the middle of a holiday, ay? Poor guy.
It felt too similar to be a coincidence. I felt dizzy staring up at it, this kid with a dented head.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) October 3, 2017
After that strange experience in Sapporo, Japan, Ellis returned to New York City in October. He continued to update Twitter on the happenings in his apartment, but just as we’d expect things to get a little better, Ellis posted the most compelling photo evidence yet – and it ain’t good.
This might be long, but stick with me. Last night I dreamed about him again. It was almost exactly the same as the first time I saw him.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) November 7, 2017
He was staring right at me, just like the first time. Again, I felt paralyzed & could barely move. But this time, something was different.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) November 7, 2017
David glared at me, and I dreaded what I knew was coming. He was going to get out of the chair and come toward me, like before.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) November 7, 2017
I thought, “If David is going to kill me, maybe I can at least get evidence on my phone.” I started snapping pictures in the dark.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) November 7, 2017
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) November 7, 2017
This is the one that made my heart drop.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) November 7, 2017
Here’s a clearer and brighter image made by another Twitter user:
— Nix (@KissMOOPlaa) November 7, 2017
You gotta be freaking kidding me:
— Miraculous (@fatmasaidji) November 7, 2017
We understand if you’re sceptical about the whole incident, but it doesn’t lessen the creepiness of Dear David, who have caught the interest of many netizens.
To read the entire Twitter thread (complete with photographic and video evidence), click here.