This Actress Was So Good In Her Role That Netizens Started Hating Her In Real Life Too

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source: Malay Mail / Iluminasi

Have you ever been so angry at a character in one of your favourite shows that you started to hate the person playing them in real life too?

Well, that’s exactly what happened to Malaysian actress, Jasmin Hamid, after she played Hayati in the drama 7 Hari Mencintaiku 2, shown on Akasia, TV3.

The actress was baffled once she started receiving hate comments and even death threats by viewers that have seen her portrayal of Hayati. She shared a screenshot of one of the vile messages she received and it is definitely awful and unwarranted.


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She expressed her frustrations by saying,

“Even if you’re angry at Hayati, it just means my acting impacted you. There’s no need to send death threats on my pictures that have nothing to do with the show, especially on posts about my business. This is wrong. I can take action since it is against the law. 

“There’s no need to be so emotional until you have forgotten etiquette. It’s just an act. If I were to act poorly, then you would call me incompetent. Be a smart viewer who can differentiate reality from acting.”


According to the actress, the people sending her these messages were not even following her, which means they went to her profile specifically for the purpose of sending her hate. She likened her followers to the character she portrayed in the show, stating that they have a “hati hitam” (black heart).

Not letting it get the best of her, Jasmin used this incident to remind netizens that commenting mean things will lead to serious consequences and some commenters may even be reported to authorities.


It’s been said many times that if an actor can make you hate them through a fictional portrayal, it means they’re doing a damn good job. Actress Lena Headey, who played Cersei Lannister in Game of Thrones, experienced the same form of harassment from audiences but of course, on a much larger scale. She touted this kind of response as a compliment to her dedicated work on the show, which is a positive outlook on an otherwise infuriating situation.

To the viewers, it’s just a show, there are bigger and badder things out there to be mad about… just check out our features!

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