SG Vlogger Amos Yee, Who Celebrated The Death of LKY, Now Charged With Possession of Child Porn

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(source: mustsharenews)

According to The Star, Singaporean vlogger Amos Yee has been charged with solicitation and possession of child porn in The Unites States.

The infamous vlogger allegedly exchanged nude photos and “thousands” of messages with a 14-year-old Texas girl while he was living in Chicago. The prosecutors reportedly also said that the girl had repeatedly told Amos how old she was in their messages.

If convicted, Amos’ asylum status in the US could be revoked. He is currently out on bail for US$1 million and is barred from using the internet.

To all Gen-Z’s out there who have no clue who this guy is and why he has an asylum status – here are some things you should know:

While some Singaporeans considered Amos a “folk hero”, most Singaporeans hate him.

(source: Hong Kong Free Press)

According to BBC, back when Amos was 16 years old in 2015, he uploaded a video on YouTube, titled Lee Kuan Yew is Finally Dead! – becoming one of the few Singaporean voices openly criticising and celebrating the death of their first prime minister Lee Kuan Yew. Although he earned some praise and support from those who saw him as a free speech advocate, Amos also attracted insults and death threats.

At least 30 people lodged police reports; he was swiftly arrested and charged. Long story short, at 18 years old – he fled from SG because he feared persecution. After spending nine months in immigration detention in the US, Amos was granted asylum over there.

The crazy thing is, however, once he had found refuge in the US – he started to show another side of him which advocated paedophilia.

(source: Mothership SG)

Not long after videos of him defending paedophilia were uploaded, Amos becomes the target of hate speech and a recipient of violent threats in the United States. Because of this, he went MIA for a while but of course, not staying of out trouble.

In 2018, Independent SG reported that Amos has been “running a pedo-friendly discord server for the past few weeks”. On Reddit, a full description of Amos’ pedo-friendly discord server was found.

It read that Amos “actively tries to find and recruit new members into this server – either people who already defend paedophiles or are open-minded enough to have their mind changed about the topic, about 5-7 new people a week (maybe more in the future) – so the number of members doesn’t remain stagnant and more new people can engage in the discussion on paedophilia”.

It also added that he offered “lessons on paedophilia to people where Amos will teach members about the position of paedophiles and hopefully make them motivated to start speaking up for themselves, or existing pedo-defenders can learn debate tactics and how to sound more convincing when putting forth an argument”.

So that’s that. While it may come shockingly for some, Amos knew what he was getting into.


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