Senior Citizen Found Dead In Public Toilet, Passers-By Initially Thought He Was Just Asleep

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PMC to build 15 VIP public toilets worth 36 lakhs - Urban Update
Source: Urban Update

A senior citizen was found dead at the Melaka Historical City Council (MBMB) public toilet last night, but was neglected by passers-by because they thought he was asleep.

He worked as a cleaner at a public toilet in Klebang Besar, and it wasn’t until some curious folks thought to check on him that they found out that he was no longer breathing.

Melaka Tengah police chief Assistant Commissioner Christopher Patit said they received information from members of the public at around 8.25pm and a team including forensics personnel were dispatched to the scene.

-File pic, for illustration purpose only.
Source: NST

“The senior citizen was found on a chair just outside the public toilet and it was relayed that when some curious onlookers went to try to wake him up, there was no response whatsoever.

“From the initial observation and examination of the location, we did not find any criminal elements or suspicion of foul play, so the body was then taken to the Melaka Hospital Forensics Department for post-mortem examination,” he said in a statement.

According to Christopher, checks on the deceased’s medical records found that he was suffering from chronic heart ailment and had been warded before at Melaka Hospital after he had suffered a heart attack.

“The post-mortem examination revealed that the deceased had died of heart complications and the case has been classified as sudden death,” he said.

The victim, Mohd Ismail Saadah was 67 when he passed.

A Toilet Adventure In Sarawak, East Malaysia, 1950-90s - CodeBlue
Source: Code Blue

Maybe when you’re suspicious of someone taking too long in the bathroom, it might be a good idea to check on them.

The bystander effect, a social psychological theory that states that individuals are less likely to offer help to a victim when there are other people present, affects all of us – even where we least expect it.

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