Red Zone WFO Employees Are Recommended To Take Swab Tests, But It’s Not Compulsory

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(source: NST)

According to The Star, it is not compulsory for employees working-from-office in red zones under the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) to undergo COVID-19 swab tests but they are encouraged to do it as a precaution.

Senior Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said this is to ensure those who are in the office are free of Covid-19.

(source: The Star)

“Swab tests are highly recommended so that infections can be detected early to avoid the emergence of new clusters in workplaces. Our advice is to get this done so that workers’ health status can be determined to avoid them from endangering their families and co-workers,” he said in his regular briefing yesterday (21 Oct).

However, he stressed that it is mandatory for employees with symptoms, foreigners who are in the construction sector and those who work as security guards to undergo the COVID-19 swab test.

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