PKR Senator Who Previously Thought ‘Athletic Wear Can Lead to Sex’ Now Thinks Women Seduce Men Into Committing Rape

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On such a celebratory day for girls as International Girlfriend’s Day (1 August), there’s nothing better to start your day off with than a cup of tea and an asinine statement like, “Men are seduced by women into raping.”

The culprit (source: Malaysia Kini)

This particular phrase was uttered by our PKR senator, Mohd Imran Abd Hamid, when he proposed to enact a law whereby men will be protected from the seduction of women in order to hinder the occurrence of sexual harassment charges. In his words,

“I propose a Sexual Harassment Act to protect men from the actions, words and clothing of women, which can cause men to be seduced to the point they can commit acts such as incest, rape, molestation, (watching) pornography and likewise. This is important, we (men) need to be protected. The actions, clothing of women can seduce us into breaking the law and causing us to be charged (with a crime).”

Farah Ann, gold-medal gymnast in SUKMA 2015 (source: Berita Harian)

He submitted this proposal to the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Mujahid Yusof Rawa, who is in charge of Islamic affairs. This was not Abd Hamid’s first ballad in accusing women of crimes that were committed against them.

Previously, according to Malaysia Kini, during SUKMA 2015, he had said that female athletes illicit sex by wearing skintight athletic attire. In his words,

“Sexy sports attire may lead to promiscuity. You may score marks on the international sports arena but you will not score marks in the afterlife.”

source: The Borneo Post

Other PH members were quick to criticise the senator’s recent remarks.

PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim slammed Abd Hamid’s remarks and called it insulting to women. He said,

“The proposal also gives the impression that men are immoral and are easily seduced to the point they could be involved in such a despicable act,”

source: News Straits Times

Hannah Yeoh, a Deputy Women, Family, and Community Development minister, condemned the statement and countered his idea of blaming rape on women’s allure by saying,

“Babies and young children have been victims of a similar crime. They do not know how to seduce men, yet they become part of the statistics. God did not make men equal to animals. Men were given will power to decide, to think, to exercise restraint. I am appalled that the Senate housed such discussion, even agreed by the (Senate) Deputy President (Datuk Seri Abd Halim Abd Samad)”.

source: Borneo Today

Apparently, Abd Hamid has become a laughing stock over at PKR for constantly making ludicrous statements about women (now if PKR could only show some balls and have him ejected from the party, that would redeem them further). Rahimah Majid of the Sabah PKR Wanita wing had this to say,

“By now, his perverted thought of perceiving and portraying the women folk in the country as the ‘seducers and sinners’ has become an international laughing stock. Senator Mohd Imran’s ludicrous proposal is akin to asking the government to enact laws to protect corrupt government officials from being bribed by others or to protect the snatch thieves from being lured by the victims.”

source: R.AGE

To top it all off, the best response to Mohd Imran’s statement comes from Centre For A Better Tomorrow (Cenbet) vice-president Ng Yeen Seen who said,

“Rape cases often stemmed from a perpetrator’s desire to exert power over his victims. Many rape cases, including incest, are committed by those known to the victims, including relatives, so Mohd Imran’s views does not hold water, is misogynistic and detached from reality,”

It is evident that Malaysia still has a long way to go in realising the detriments of sexual harassment to women since an important member of PKR, a senator, has such a twisted mindset of how the act is committed.

source: PInterest

To all Malaysian men, take this day (and frankly, all days on the calendar) to protect the women in your life from violent acts and to show them how truly important they are to you. Don’t just give us flowers. Give us respect too.

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