Pedas Giler! Watch Anwar Ibrahim Take the Heat on Hot Ones Malaysia

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source: iFlix/Hot Ones

In case you missed it, pop culture phenomenon Hot Ones will be making its way to Malaysia and you get to stream it exclusively on iFlix. Nature queen, mother of turtles and all around beauty Maya Karin will host the series and the first guest on the show is none other than Anwar Ibrahim!

The show will follow the same format like its US counterpart with a little Malaysian twist to the food. While Maya Karin shoots flaming questions, the show’s guests try to answer them while they chow down on chicken satay dabbed with hot sauce ranging from mhmm ok to pedas nak mampoih! Watch the teaser below:

We did have our worries when it was announced due to Malaysia’s sensitivity in media. Will the show be allowed to ask intimate or controversial questions like how Sean Evan’s does on the original, American version of show? Honestly, no one wants a bland version of an already great series.

source: iFlix/Hot Ones

But after a sneak peek at the first episode, we can say that the show is exactly how it should be; fun, candid, entertaining and filled with hot questions. It gives you an insight of Anwar Ibrahim and his political journey that you don’t usually get from formal interviews. We can’t wait to see who they’ll bring on the show next. (Please let it be Aliff Syukri).

Catch Hot Ones when it comes out exclusively for free on iFlix at 6pm. (Thursday, May 9).

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